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Valve Kits

Valve overhaul kits

valve kitsThe classic diagnostics for bad valves in a poor running compressor are: Suction pressure will be higher than normal. Head or liquid pressure will be lower than normal. Super-heat and sub-cooling could be non-existent or high, depending on how bad the valves are.

A professionally overhauled compressor valve fitted with the highest quality of Valve plates , coil springs and slf nuts  injects a full new lease life back into your compressors giving your machine the mechanical medical needed to bring it back to its peek performance.


Valve Plates    Laser cut from 400 grade stainless steel  @ 40+ 4 hrc hardness and finished lapped

Coil springs    Stainless steel and Teflon coated as required

SLF  Nut         Europeans highest quality self locking nut.

Never re-use your nuts , never  fit sub standard quality nuts. The damage we have seen over the years from clients fitting old nuts , home made nuts to their overhauled valves , this has financial and catastrophic potential disaster when the suction valve nut comes lose and everything drops in the cylinders.

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